Water Diversion Measurement and Reporting

Paragraph 30 of the Decree requires all persons diverting water from the San Gregorio Creek Stream System to install and maintain functioning water meters to measure water diversions.  Certain diversions for stockwatering are exempt from the Decree metering requirement.

The State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”) has additional diversion measurement and monitoring requirements.  In 2016, the SWRCB adopted an “Emergency Regulation for Measuring and Reporting Water Diversions” based on Senate Bill 88 (“SB 88”).  These measurement and reporting requirements specifically apply to water right holders who have previously diverted or intend to divert more than 10 acre-feet per year under a riparian or pre-1914 claim or are authorized to divert more than 10 acre-feet per year under a permit, license, or registration.

Additional information related to SB 88 and its measurement and reporting requirements can be found on the SWRCB’s website:


The Watermaster is available to answer questions and provide recommendations to Decree water right holders on the proper diversion measurement equipment and procedures necessary to comply with the Decree and with SWRCB requirements.  Please contact us for more information.