Filing Annual Reports with the State Water Board

Filing Annual Reports with the State Water Board
California State law requires those who divert water from lakes, rivers, streams, and creeks, under a pre-1914 or riparian water right claim, to report their monthly diversion and use amounts to the State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”).  The form required by the SWRCB for reporting monthly diversions and use is called a Statement of Diversion and Use (“Statement”).  San Gregorio Creek Decree water right owners are required to file these Statements with the SWRCB in accordance with Paragraph 39 of the Decree.

The SWRCB also requires annual Reports of Licensee and Progress Reports of Permittee to be filed by those who own post-1914 appropriative water rights.

Additional information for filing annual reports can be found on the SWRCB’s website:

The Watermaster is available to answer questions and provide assistance to Decree water right holders preparing their annual reports for the SWRCB.  Please contact us for more information.